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Paperless office

Being a paperless office offers significant gains for businesses contemplating the change
close up of colleagues using a tablet in a meeting

What’s a paperless office? 

It may seem self-explanatory, but a paperless office is one which takes as much of its documentation and data as possible onto a digital or online environment. It does not necessarily mean that there is not so much as a sheet of paper anywhere to be found, but rather that a company is making a concerted effort to reduce their use of paperwork. The impact of such a transformation for a business can be huge, leading to growing productivity and higher customer satisfaction, providing a clear case to be considered. Yet, it is understandable why some firms have been reluctant to make the change.

Is it the right time to become paperless?

Finding the perfect balance between the two is invaluable in the effort to successfully achieve a paperless office.

  • Why is going paperless important?

    Going paperless can mean finding the right balance - here's how.

  • Paperless is key to digital transformation

    Emerging technologies continue to focus heavily on mobility and flexibility. Paperless will have a huge role to play in achieving this.

  • Healthcare: How the industry is going paperless

    Taking paper out of the healthcare industry lets medical staff complete everyday tasks faster so they can focus on providing excellent care.

The path to a paperless office

Here are some of Kyocera’s ideas of how to successfully become a paperless office.

  • 3 documents that still rely on paper

    Despite the benefits of going paperless, a number of factors are producing resistance and slowing down the switchover to digital documents.

  • Applications to help with digital transitioning

    Not all companies are able to quickly transition from paper-heavy to paper-heavy working environments.

  • Printing in a paperless world

    There is still a role for printing, even as society becomes more digital.

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