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Toner Take-Back Service

We currently offer a returns service for all used, genuine Kyocera toner cassettes.
woman receiving parcel

All Kyocera devices are designed with the environment in mind. We aim to minimise the impact of our products on the planet by reducing the quantity of raw materials contained within them. Kyocera’s cartridge-free print technology reduces the number of components in the toner system by more than 85% on average, consequently reducing the manufacturing and recycling impact of the device.


Once a Kyocera toner is empty, we offer a number of ways to return it to our recycling partner, depending on your location. Once your consumables enter our system, we will be in charge of taking care of everything from pickup through interim storage and finally forwarding them to the recycling plant.


After separating the cassettes into individual components, the polymers in the toner cassette are separated and then granulated and prepared for reuse as “recyclate” which can be added to brand new materials to manufacture a variety of products.


By participating in our Toner Take-Back Service you contribute to reducing waste and energy consumption for a better environment and a better world. The service follows Kyocera's philosophy of always considering our impact on the environment.


LPR is collecting empty toners in the following countries: Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Austria, United Kingdom. Local collectors are also providing Toner Take-Back in France (via Conibi) , Italy (via Ecorit & Ecorecuperi) , Spain (via Recyclia), Switzerland (via Polysys).




Order an empty recycling box.

Order pickup or replacement

Quickly and simply via when your box is full.

LPR will pick up the full box

Or replace it with an empty one.

The Boxes

Collection Box
We provide collection boxes at no charge to customers with regular orders.
Box M:
Approx. 60 litres 30× 60×40cm Max. 20kg Average 15 units
Box L:
Approx. 160 litres 70× 60×40cm Max. 20kg Average 43 units
Single Returns
We also gladly accept single units from small-volume consumers. Download free package stickers at
The package should fit into: max. 60× 30× 15 cm, max. 1 kg
If possible, use the packaging of your new Kyocera products. If this is not possible, use similar packaging.
Leave the box at the nearest DHL post office.
image of trees in a forest

Why are Kyocera toners best?

There may be many options on the market, but only Kyocera toners provide high-quality prints whilst guaranteeing the health of your product.

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