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Kyocera chose to lead the wave of change

It’s time for the world to see Kyocera as a comprehensive provider of total document solutions.
shot of people working at a desk with icon

Revealed: How Kyocera Document Solutions identified a need to change

For more than 60 years, Kyocera Document Solutions has been a pioneer in the hardware industry. Multi-functional printers and other such devices has become the core for our company, which is accustomed to operating across the globe. Yet, we knew that the time had come for us to reflect our desire to be known as a comprehensive provider of total document solutions and with this approach into new market segments, a brand change was needed.

In the modern business environment, no organisation can afford to stand still. We know that we must lead the way in this era of change, not only for our own sake, but also to help other businesses embrace technological evolutions which are having a wide-ranging impact across the globe.

Philosophical Ambition

The hardware market has been our home for decades, but it has begun to show signs of stagnation as more workplaces move towards more efficient offices. Some companies would be happy to stick with what they know. For us, it was clear that expanding our horizons was the solution to maintaining our growth in the years to come. 

Our organisation’s pillar is rooted in the philosophy of our founder, Dr. Kazuo Inamori. “Kyocera’s history is a story of doing what no one else had dared to do and of opening roads where no one had ventured before,” the philosophy explains.

We wanted to embrace that change and see where this new road could take us as a company. Doing so involved more than just adapting a product portfolio. With more software products and solutions on offer, we identified the need to modernise our branding to match. 

Kyocera’s history is a story of doing what no one else had dared to do.

Dr. Kazuo Inamori


Working with machines and technology day-in and day-out, can lead to the loss of a human touch. We have always fought to avoid that. We renown ourselves for our values and belief in “doing the right thing as a human being”. It was not simply a matter of ‘I think, therefore I am’, but rather ‘I think about my customers, therefore I am’.

This means that we wanted to reach out to our customers with advice and insights on a human level, looking to help businesses find new ways in becoming more efficient in their operations. As technology evolves, companies are struggling to keep up, and we want to lead the way in walking our customers through every step of their own evolution to embrace these new trends.

Businesses in the 21st century have swathes of information, but many don’t know what to do with it. We are using our expertise to turn that information into knowledge and teach businesses how to use that knowledge to gain a competitive advantage. 

A change sparked the need for this rethink, and it brought with it a design built to prepare our company for the next changes to come. Built around the personality traits of the brand of optimism, humility and a desire to learn, our brand revamp is far from the final step for us.

Rather than being at the end of a process, it is the start of a new journey towards new markets, industries and approaches. With more than 60 years of experience, we know that there will be obstacles to overcome, but we have a brand strong enough to take on those obstacles and thrive. 

Talk to us, we’re human

Our support team are here to help you with any queries about Kyocera products and services.

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