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Linking a paper world to digital data
people looking at code on screen

Creating workflows easily

ScannerVision automates document workflows by capturing, processing and storing scanned documents and documents generated by other applications. ScannerVision offers advanced features to help users create workflows with minimal time and effort.
Single Sign-On:
The single sign-on functionality will make the authentication process easy and secure.
Automatic Forms Recognition:
Automatically recognise each document and process it using the right workflow template.
Bi-directional Connectors:
Configure picklists against the document management system backed by the connectors.
Expression Editor:
Have the full use of Regular Expression to select parts of or even modify metadata before it is used.
Wide Range of Connectors:
Upload any document directly to a host of web servers, online web services and third party applications.
Multi-brand compatibility

Developed for both Kyocera and multi-brand devices

Operating system requirements

Works with Windows Server 2012 (R2) & 2016, Windows 8 / 8.1, 10

Wide variety of connectors

Connectors link directly to an organisation's DMS or business system

Capture directly from the desktop

Capture directly from the Windows Files Explorer and Outlook

Talk to us, we're human

Our support team is here to help you with any queries about Kyocera products and services.

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